Schedule creation is now open to registered attendees.
Note: It is a manual process to transfer tickets from Zeffy to - Updates will occur each evening.
We’ll be leaving this site open for sign-ups throughout the event, so you’ll be able to sign up here to play games all weekend, and you’ll check in at the beginning of each session when you sit down to play.
After a long search in several comic bookstores and online stores, you managed to acquire the most important comic books of all your favorite heroes. Well, almost all of them! Some rare and important editions are still missing from your collection. The first appearance of your favorite villain, that special edition that influenced a generation of story lines, the spetacular debut of the new uniform, the memorable confrontation with the archenemy and the valuable number one! You already know where to find them and you also know that you are not the only one in search of these precious gems. Will you be able to collect all the comics needed to be recognized as the greatest collector of all time?